UGV Simulator using ROS and Gazebo
(2024.07 DO TRUONG DONG)
UGV Simulator using ROS and Gazebo(2024.07 DO TRUONG DONG)
Test stands for Verifying Nano Quadcopter Attitude Controllers
(2024.07 DO TRUONG DONG)
Test stands for Verifying Nano Quadcopter Attitude Controllers(2024.07 DO TRUONG DONG)
Fault Tolerant Control with Reaction Wheel
(2023.12 이용석)
Fault Tolerant Control with Reaction Wheel(2023.12 이용석)
Aggressive Launching
Aggressive Launching(이준용,2023.12)
IMU Attack Detection & Recovery
(202310 정한솔,이석태)
IMU Attack Detection & Recovery(202310 정한솔,이석태)
Vision-based Autonomous Perching of Quadrotors on Horizontal Surfaces (Dong,230828))
Vision-based Autonomous Perching of Quadrotors on Horizontal Surfaces (Dong,230828))
Attitude Control System using Reaction Wheel
By 이용석 (230504)
Attitude Control System using Reaction WheelBy 이용석 (230504)
Ground Test-Bed(GTB) with Air Bearing System
By 이용석 (230504)
Ground Test-Bed(GTB) with Air Bearing SystemBy 이용석 (230504)
Acoustic Attack to Gyro Sensor
(이석태 202208)
Acoustic Attack to Gyro Sensor(이석태 202208)
Robust control against mass variations
By 이지원(2020.05)
Robust control against mass variationsBy 이지원(2020.05)
미세먼지 관측
미세먼지 관측
Multicopter PID Attitude Controller Gain Auto-tuning through Reinforcement Learning Neural Networks
By 박대원(2020.11)
Multicopter PID Attitude Controller Gain Auto-tuning through Reinforcement Learning Neural NetworksBy 박대원(2020.11)
Collision-free Formation Control Algorithm
By Nguyen Anh Tung(2020.11)
Collision-free Formation Control AlgorithmBy Nguyen Anh Tung(2020.11)
Precision landing on a charging station for autonomous persistent drone system
By 이보혜(2020.11)
Precision landing on a charging station for autonomous persistent drone systemBy 이보혜(2020.11)
Controller design and verification considering a variable load of quadcopters for transportation
By 이지원(2020.11)
Controller design and verification considering a variable load of quadcopters for transportationBy 이지원(2020.11)
Collision Avoidance of Unmmaned Aerial Vehicle
By 이충현(2020.11)
Collision Avoidance of Unmmaned Aerial VehicleBy 이충현(2020.11)
Motor Fault Tolerant Control
By 정한솔(2020.11)
Motor Fault Tolerant ControlBy 정한솔(2020.11)