UGV_Simulator_using_ROS_and_Gazebo(2024.07 DO TRUONG DONG)
Test_stands_for_Verifying_Nano_Quadcopter_Attitude_Controllers(2024.07 DO TRUONG DONG)
Fault Tolerant Control with Reaction Wheel(2023.12 이용석)
Aggressive Launching(이준용,2023.12)
IMU Attack Detection & Recovery(202310 정한솔,이석태)
Vision-based Autonomous Perching of Quadrotors on Horizontal Surfaces (Dong,230828))
Attitude Control System using Reaction WheelBy 이용석 (230504)
Ground Test-Bed(GTB) with Air Bearing SystemBy 이용석 (230504)
Acoustic Attack to Gyro Sensor(이석태 202208)
Robust control against mass variationsBy 이지원(2020.05)
미세먼지 관측
Multicopter PID Attitude Controller Gain Auto-tuning through Reinforcement Learning Neural NetworksBy 박대원(2020.11)
Collision-free Formation Control AlgorithmBy Nguyen Anh Tung(2020.11)
Precision landing on a charging station for autonomous persistent drone systemBy 이보혜(2020.11)
Controller design and verification considering a variable load of quadcopters for transportationBy 이지원(2020.11)
Collision Avoidance of Unmmaned Aerial VehicleBy 이충현(2020.11)
Motor Fault Tolerant ControlBy 정한솔(2020.11)